Water Heating

Tankless Water Heating

How Savings for Home Owners! How Tankless Water Heaters Work:

Thankless water heaters only heat water when it is needed. When a water source is opened, the tankless water heater senses the demand for hot water flow and starts the heating process. The water flows through a heater exchanger and it heated to the designated temperture set by the user. When the water source tap is closed, the heater automatically shuts off until hot water is demanded again. Tankless heaters range from $200 to $1,000 depending on size and speed. Installation costs can add $300 to $1,500 to the price.

How Tankless Saves Money:

  • Tankless water heaters reduce standby energy loss, saving consumers an average of 15-20 percent over a standard storage water heater
  • Most tankless water heaters provide 2 to 3 gallons per minute of hot water
  • Because tankless models are less subject to corrosion the expected life span of a tankless water heater is 20 years, twice as long as most storage water heaters.

Selecting a Tankless Hot Water Heater:

Visit these manufacturers' sites to view some of the tankless water heaters available today:

A.O. Smith
BBT North Avenue
Bradford White